Over the years, AIS has built a reputation within the scientific and environmental community, working with stakeholders and providing various services for several types of research projects, described below.
AIS has worked with companies such as Tetra Tech and Normandeau to assist with the development of the marine mammal survey plan that was then conducted aboard vessels provided by the individual client. AIS provided Marine Mammal Observers, logistical support, supplied the sampling gear and personnel. AIS also crafted both safety and emergency plans for this project.
In 2010 AIS worked closely with the Protected Species Branch (PSB) of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to designed and managed and experimental gillnet gear study. The ‘Effects of Hanging Ratio on Harbor Porpoise Bycatch and Targeted Finfish species’, was initiated in Falmouth, Massachusetts and realized on commercial fishing vessels along the southcoast of Massachusetts. A.I.S. Inc. provided field staff, coordinated the commercial fishing research vessel, designed the data sheet and managed the field component of the study. AIS staff edited the data and worked closely with the PSB team to generate the final report found here: Gillnet_Reasearch.pdf
In 2017, AIS worked closely with the Protected Species Branch (PSB) of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to designed and managed and experimental gillnet gear study. The ‘Bottom-Set Gillnet Comparative Gear Study to Reduce Sea Turtle Bycatch’ study was initiated in Falmouth, Massachusetts and realized in Hatteras, North Carolina. In addition to assisting with study design, AIS provided field staff, coordinated the commercial fishing research vessel, designed the data sheet and managed the field component of the study. AIS staff edited the data and worked closely with the PSB team to generate the final report found here: Gillnet Comparative Gear Study