Welcome To AIS
A.I.S., Inc. (AIS) was founded in 1988 to provide fully trained protected species observers and certified inspectors for harbor and river dredging operations. With more than three decades of experience supporting government, the private sector and academia, AIS has evolved into a diversified provider of marine science services. Our accomplishments are based on our ability to mobilize and support a highly qualified and geographically dispersed workforce of professionals, our commitment to customer service, and our innovative management approaches.
We are experts in designing and managing complex field sampling and monitoring programs with 24/7 operations and logistics support. AIS is your eyes and ears on the water providing sound science. We are dedicated to the collection of high quality environmental data, data management, and compliance monitoring to ensure sustainable use of our marine resources. AIS has an established portfolio in delivering high quality, performance based professional, scientific and technical services in coastal communities from Maine to North Carolina, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Gulf of Alaska. This includes providing our clients fully trained and certified fisheries and protected species observers, dredge inspectors, marine biologists, oceanographers, marine mammal experts, data analysts, environmental technicians, project managers, technical writers, vessel crew, administrative staff, and recruitment services.
With years of at-sea experience collecting oceanographic data, AIS has made significant contributions to fisheries science and conservation, informing management decisions.
Accuracy, Integrity, and Service represent our core values.
Meet Our President
In 1969 I decided I wanted to go to sea. With my interests in engineering, mathematics and commercial fishing I got a job at the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in Woods Hole working as a sea-going Biological Technician on the R/V Albatross IV. I was hooked on the sea… and the fish. The training I got in Woods Hole about the importance of data integrity and accuracy stuck with me for the rest of my life. After many years working on research vessels, fish draggers, and tuna seiners, I decided to work for the NMFS Foreign Fishing Observer Program in 1977 after the U.S. exercised authority over fisheries resources within 200 nautical miles of the coasts, under the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976. For over 10 years I sailed on fishing vessels from all over the world that fished for squid and mackerel. My time at sea set me on my path to start A.I.S., Inc. This company was born out of what I know best – fisheries observing and compliance inspections and monitoring to help manage a healthy marine environment. There is more to my story, and I hope I get a chance to share with you. Thank you for visiting.